Dubbed 'GSWA 2002 Online', it will highlight the latest information technology and research from the Geological Survey via a series of presentations and demonstrations, according to GSWA director, Dr Tim Griffin.
"As the name suggests, this year's theme is about online access to the Survey's new range of geoscientific databases. By using these online databases, which can be accessed via the MPR website (www.mpr.wa.gov.au), visitors can obtain a variety of geoscientific information including 1:2,500,000, 1:500,000 1:250,000 1:100,000 scale geology, geochronology, mineral resources, open-file geophysics, mineral and petroleum titles and seismic data."
The abilities of these technologies, including the GeoVIEW.WA, MINEDEX, WAPIMS and WAMEX databases, will be displayed and demonstrated on the day, according to the GSWA.
"Petroleum explorers can see how the newly improved WAPIMS database can be used to access well and seismic data from past exploration programs," Dr Griffin said. "GSWA 2002 Online will also include a series of presentations by GSWA staff highlighting results of their work on a selection of topics relevant to mineral and petroleum exploration in the State."
The Open Day will be held at the Novotel Langley, located at 221 Adelaide Terrace East Perth on 4 April between 9am and 4pm. The cost of registration is $55.