The Energy Sector Tackling the Big Issues of a Changing World

Creating solutions for a cleaner energy future for a changing world is a key priority at APPEA 2022.

The Energy Sector Tackling the Big Issues of a Changing World

The energy industry is in the midst of significant change with the current Russia-Ukraine conflict, the pressure of 2050 targets, energy security concerns and decarbonisation.

With the uncertainty of the road ahead and the need to develop viable solutions, it is critical that the industry comes together to discuss the challenges and develops a tactical plan. Each organisation will bring a different perspective and insights as well as innovations they are working on to futureproof the sector.

Driving Future Growth with Technology Innovations

Technology and continual innovation will underpin the industry's growth and overall success in reducing emissions whilst continuing to meet energy needs. The sector has always been a fast adopter of the latest technology especially when it comes to improving safety and operating performance. A key goal is to provide safe, affordable and cleaner energy for consumers across the world.

As this field develops the need to discuss and plan for advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things becomes vital. These technologies need to be at the forefront of the government's climate change strategy.

Join Kory Judd, Chevron Australia; Dr Merriden Varrall, KPMG; Meg O'Neill, Woodside; Dylan Pugh, ExxonMobile Australia and Lucy Snelling, State Gas as they share their insights at APPEA's Energy Leaders' Plenary.

Understanding the Changing Geopolitical Climate

The current geopolitical environment is unique and highly volatile - something we have not experienced in many decades. It is a pivotal moment for the industry with the world waiting to see how it will play out and the predicted impacts expected to hit hard across the board.

Examining the current situation and the potential impact is important as it will allow us to better prepare and pre-empt different outcomes to ensure we are equipped to deal with them.

At this point in time there are more questions than answers and governments are trying to protect consumers from these impacts i.e., cutting the fuel excise. The industry must also look to alternate fuel sources such as renewables and hydrogen to sustain supply demands.

Hear from the leaders in this space Iman Hill, IOGP; Kahina Abdeli-Galinier, Schlumberger Digital & Integration; Kevin Gallagher, Santos; Tony Nunan, Shell Australia and Dr Patrick Hartley, CSIRO at APPEA's The Shape of Things to Come Plenary.

The Future of the Workforce

There is no point planning for the future of the industry if we don't prioritise the people who will be the future. Acquiring the skills of the next generation is a key challenge. Understanding the potential challenges of changing attitudes towards the sector will be vital in combatting a potential skills shortage.

It is time we got together and clearly communicated what the attraction, retention and development challenges are in the industry and create a strategy to support growth. There are ample opportunities in the sector, we need to promote and draw attention to the diversity in roles.

Find out more from workforce experts including, Nick Ghamgosar, KPMG Australia; Professor Deborah Terry AO, The University of Queensland; Michael Holmstrom, STEM Punks and Deanna Jones, Baker Hughes at APPEA's Our Workforce for the Future Plenary.

Accessing Capital to Drive Growth

One of the most important issues facing the industry is accessing the capital needed to drive growth whilst meeting lower emissions targets. This raises a number of questions such as: How do firms seeking capital make sense of this and how can they attract the capital needed for ongoing growth? What role does good governance including ESG performance play for investors when they are making investment decisions?

The answers to these questions will have significant impacts on the way the industry maintains revenue and builds itself going forward. It will require the professionals to think differently and change the way it operates; however, it will open new opportunities for the sector.

Learn from industry leaders Mark Samter, MST Marquee; Christine Tonkin, ANZ and The Hon Roger Cook, WA Government in APPEA's Investing Through Unprecedented Change Plenary.

You can learn more about these issues at the APPEA Conference and Exhibition in Brisbane from 16 to 19 May 2022. It is the key industry event bringing together leaders, expert analysts and commentators, financiers and State and Territory Government Ministers. It is not to be missed - register here! 

A growing series of reports, each focused on a key discussion point for the energy sector, brought to you by the Energy News Bulletin Intelligence team.

A growing series of reports, each focused on a key discussion point for the energy sector, brought to you by the Energy News Bulletin Intelligence team.


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