Pipeline could help commercialise stranded Carnarvon assets if owners "give a proper offer"
24 May 2018
WA giant inks 125TPjd deal for first contract for undeveloped field
26 April 2018
Now plans for brownfield LNG development as acquisition ups 2C resources
29 March 2018
Executives to take home only 12.5% of reward in cash, 60% to be delayed for five years
19 March 2018
Thoughts on the new state of play over the Greater Sunrise development
12 March 2018
Slugcatcher explores Woodside's controversial Scarborough deal
19 February 2018
Analysts divided on potential of field buy in but agree it represents a good price for Woodside
15 February 2018
Qteq has recently announced the launch of a new flagship Qanti-Fi fugitive emissions
ENB’s CCS Report 2024 finds that CCS could be the much-needed magic bullet for Australia’s decarbonisation drive
ENB’s latest Cost Report findings provide optimism as investments in oil and gas, as well as new energy rise.
ENB’s inaugural Future of Energy Report details the industry outlook on the medium-to-long-term future for the sector in the Asia Pacific region.
This industry-wide report aims to understand current cost levels across the energy industry