Over the weekend production from both wells was tested to a combined rate of 40,000bopd and are now expected to be on production at optimum rates of around 40,000bopd by tomorrow.
Production was initially cut over six weeks ago due to mechanical problems with the swivel on the FPSO "Four Vanguard" connecting the flowlines of the ship with the internal mooring buoy.
The Woollybutt field has been operating at rates of around 28,000bopd from the #1 well down from its peak of 40,000bopd. Production was initially expected to be down for 2-4 days while the cause of problem was fully evaluated.
Located 50km southwest of Barrow Island and 42km northeast of the Griffin oil field, the 'Four Vanguard' is operating the Woollybutt-2AST3 and Woollybutt-1ST1 wells, with an estimated proven and probable recoverable reserves around 25 million barrels.
Joint Venture Participants in WA-25 -L are Tap Oil 15%, Eni Australia (operator) 65% and MOBIL Australia Resources. 20%.