In a statement Empire Oil said, “The main prospective area within the EP 432 permit is the large Mullering-Cataby Anticlinal Trend. The Jurassic-aged Cattamarra Coal Measures sandstone reservoir in the Mullering-Cataby area is sealed by a 200 metre thick sequence of shales which are thick enough to also provide lateral seal across the many crestal faults on the Mullering-Cataby structural complex.”
“Interpretation of seismic data over the Mullering-Cataby Anticline has defined ten leads [and] potential recoverable oil reserves of these leads range from 5 to 10 million barrels each. The prospectivity for oil is demonstrated by the Cataby-1 well drilled off structure which encountered good oil shows and a 2.5 metre sand at 1,690 metres which flowed approximately 25 to 30 barrels of oil per day during a drill stem test,” it added.
In related news, Empire Oil confirmed the EP 432 permit area is subject to a farmout with a US investment firm to raise US$11.35 million for Empire Oil’s onshore oil and gas prospects in the Perth Basin.
According to the firm, “This farmin includes acquiring a 100 square kilometre seismic survey over the Mullering-Cataby Anticline in the EP 432 permit [and] it is considered that 3D seismic will resolve the complex faulting and substantially reduce the structural risk in the planned drilling.”