Durmetal kits use a mixture of Standard Base, which contains a high percentage of special steel and other metal particles in a chemically reactive resin base, and Standard Activator which contains a high percentage of atomised aluminium particles in a reactive compound.
The resulting formatted molecular chains continue to grow as the Base and Activator chemically combine. The entire process takes place without heat of additional energy.
Durmetal said its product has many advantages over torchwelding and soldering including no flame or heat is necessary so there is no fire and explosion hazard, it is not necessary to remove the unit to be repaired, the resulting repair can be drilled, sawed, threaded, machined or painted.
Benefits of Durmetal's product over epoxy products include a short curing time, curing at normal room temperature, non-flammable, easy mixing and indefinite shelf life.
There is a Blue Kit series for standard repairs, the Red Kit series for rapid repairs and the Super CA-HD Rapid for very rapid repairs.