Worrior-1 is located about 800m south-east and in an up dip position to the Pando-1 well drilled in 1966. Structurally, Worrior is a four way dip closure centred on a fault bounded pre-Permian basement high.
Primary targets are the Namur Formation and the basal Permian sand (Patchawarra Formation), which included excellent oil shows in the Pando-1 well. Secondary targets are the Poolowanna Formation and the pre-Permian section, which also had good oil shows from cores recovered in the Pando-1 well.
Worrior-1 is being drilled as an oil prospect with a mean potential assessed to be about 1.5 million barrels of recoverable oil and a high side estimate of about 2.0 million barrels. The well will be followed by Kiwi-1 in PEL 90.
Interests in Worrior-1 are Stuart Petroleum Limited (operator) 70% and Cooper Energy 30%.