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The Woollybutt-4H well is a sidetrack of the existing Woollybutt-4 well, in Barrow Sub-basin permit WA-25-L in northwestern Australia.
Tap said the well, drilled over 400m through the reservoir objective, encountered good hydrocarbon shows.
“Preparations are currently being made to complete Woollybutt-4H as a producer and conduct a cleanup flow, which is expected to take approximately one week,” the company said.
“Following completion of the Woollybutt-4H well, the rig will move to the Woollybutt-6 appraisal well.”
Tie in of Woollybutt-4H and Woollybutt-6, if successful, is scheduled for early 2008 and is planned to increase field production to 14,000 barrels of oil per day.
The WA-25- L joint venture comprises Eni Australia (65%), Mobil Australia Resources (20%) and Tap Oil (15%).