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Two drill stem tests (DST’s) were conducted, after very good indications of hydrocarbons (gas and/or liquids) were encountered during drilling.
A company statement on Friday said: “the confirmation of an active hydrocarbon migration pathway in the area is encouraging. Other prospects in the area will be reassessed based on the results of this well.”
DST 1 tested an interval in the Lower Patchawarra Formation in a sandstone where gas detector readings were high and fluorescence in samples ranged up to 80-100% (indicative of the presence of condensate-rich gas or liquid hydrocarbons). However, reservoir quality for this interval proved to be poor and unlikely to support production of oil or gas in commercial quantities.
DST 2 tested a shallower sandstone interval of the Patchawarra and confirmed reservoir quality for this zone was good. However, there was no significant recovery of hydrocarbons.