Tipton West-2 Pilot was drilled to a total depth of 501m to test the complete Walloon coal section and cased and completed to 295m over the Macalliser/Wambo/upper Iona coal intervals.
Post completion air lift flow rates were estimated at over 2000 barrels per day and while the drilling crew was suspending the well as a future producer, it started to free flow water and gas with flows visually increasing.
The well has been shut in in preparation for a flow test to begin early next week that will determine the free gas flow rates of the well.
Regardless of the free flow gas rate results, higher gas flow rates are anticipated during pumping tests following commissioning of the pilot later in the next quarter.
The Tipton West-2 Pilot well is located 22km south the Roma Brisbane pipeline, 2.5km north of Tipton West-1 pilot and 2.8km northwest of the Tipton West-1 core well with the later recording 30m of gas saturated coal seams with up to 262 cubic feet per ton (DAF).
Arrow estimates that the Tipton West-Meenawarra CBM fairway has over 3200 Petajoules of sales gas potential.
Anzoil NL is earning a 20% interest in the Dalby Block of ATP683P by funding the Tipton West CSG Production Pilot project. Arrow will retain an 80% interest in the project and is the operator.
Arrow has lodged a Petroleum Lease Application (PLA 198) over the project area.