Teijin Techno Products will use wood biomass such as bark and wood chips, as well as waste paper and tyres, to fuel a circulating fluidised bed boiler at the Teijin Group's Mihara factory in Mihara City, Hiroshima Prefecture. The system is due to be operational by December 2006 and will replace 36% of the company’s current coal consumption with alternative fuel, reducing CO2 emissions by 33,000 tons a year.
Teijin Fibers is using a pulverised coal-fired boiler at its Matsuyama factory in Matsuyama City, Ehime Prefecture to burn pulverised wood biomass together with coal. It is successfully operating with a 5% wood biomass component, and the planned increase to a 10% biomass ratio could reduce annual CO2 emissions by 32,000 tons.
Both companies are looking at establishing local recycling systems to procure wood biomass and waste fuel materials, allowing the environmental benefits of the new processes to be shared with the surrounding community.