Russia: 3 of 10


OPEC delays decision on future cuts

Russia and Saudis disagree on maintaining output cuts, again

01 December 2020


ENB Briefs: Biden, Japan, OPEC+ and more 

News briefs for October 23, 2020

23 October 2020


ENB Briefs: California burns, Neptune Energy, Russia and more

News briefs for September 9, 2020

09 September 2020


Gazprom sees huge profit slide

Weak demand, low prices, ruble in trouble but gas to China growing

01 September 2020


ENB Briefs: AGN ad pulled; Saudi Arabia, New York and more

News briefs for July 22, 2020

22 July 2020


Brent briefly roars into forties but falls as hopes for extended cuts fade

Markets remain volatile on renewed Saudi-Russia disputes

04 June 2020


Slugcatcher on the weekend oil deal which is doomed to fail

Demand destruction aside, when did the US ever trust OPEC? 

13 April 2020


Measure. Monitor. Manage. Mitigate.

Qteq has recently announced the launch of a new flagship Qanti-Fi fugitive emissions

A growing series of reports, each focused on a key discussion point for the energy sector, brought to you by the Energy News Bulletin Intelligence team.

A growing series of reports, each focused on a key discussion point for the energy sector, brought to you by the Energy News Bulletin Intelligence team.


Future of Energy Report: Nuclear Power in Australia 2024

Energy News Bulletin’s new report examines what the energy and resources industry thinks of the idea of a nuclear-powered Australia.


ENB CCS Report 2024

ENB’s CCS Report 2024 finds that CCS could be the much-needed magic bullet for Australia’s decarbonisation drive


ENB Cost Report 2023

ENB’s latest Cost Report findings provide optimism as investments in oil and gas, as well as new energy rise.


ENB Future of Energy Report 2023

ENB’s inaugural Future of Energy Report details the industry outlook on the medium-to-long-term future for the sector in the Asia Pacific region.