Dollars-per-megalitre to be introduced next year
14 October 2022
Territory Alliance party has its eyes set on a balance of power
23 June 2020
Quarterlies disclose Top End plans after Santos' Beetaloo EP finally given nod
01 August 2019
No-go-zone lacks credibility: Lock the Gate Alliance
24 May 2019
Confirms code based on fraccing inquiry now extended to conventionals
04 April 2019
Recommendations based on scientific inquiry into fraccing
19 December 2018
Junior suggest Territory noble gas potential could be world class
21 May 2018
Qteq has recently announced the launch of a new flagship Qanti-Fi fugitive emissions
Energy News Bulletin’s new report examines what the energy and resources industry thinks of the idea of a nuclear-powered Australia.
ENB’s CCS Report 2024 finds that CCS could be the much-needed magic bullet for Australia’s decarbonisation drive
ENB’s latest Cost Report findings provide optimism as investments in oil and gas, as well as new energy rise.
ENB’s inaugural Future of Energy Report details the industry outlook on the medium-to-long-term future for the sector in the Asia Pacific region.