CSG: 10 of 11


New funding for CSG water research

UQ researchers looking to give Queensland LNG operators' desal plants a boost.

31 January 2017


Noonan claims farmer support

East coasters firing up the BBQ on Australia Day may face gas shortages within a few years.

26 January 2017


Founder hopes Ozcon will live on

Ozcon founder reveals what killed the company, and his hopes for the future.

18 January 2017


East coast gas users brace for price spike

NAB warns on east coast gas prices with more CSG in the project pipeline.

17 January 2017


APGA puts heat on states

Pipeliners hope heatwave will focus ministers' minds for a cohesive national energy policy.

16 January 2017


CSG supplier goes under

CSG industrial supplier placed into voluntary liquidation.

13 January 2017


AGL fined for undeclared donations

AGL plead guilty to 11 donations to New South Wales politicians.

13 January 2017


Santos finds water accommodation

Environmentalists hail CSG wastewater victory.

11 January 2017


Measure. Monitor. Manage. Mitigate.

Qteq has recently announced the launch of a new flagship Qanti-Fi fugitive emissions

A growing series of reports, each focused on a key discussion point for the energy sector, brought to you by the Energy News Bulletin Intelligence team.

A growing series of reports, each focused on a key discussion point for the energy sector, brought to you by the Energy News Bulletin Intelligence team.


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Energy News Bulletin’s new report examines what the energy and resources industry thinks of the idea of a nuclear-powered Australia.


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