Diodes are semiconductor devices that are one of the basic building blocks of electronic machines. Unlike traditional diodes, GE's carbon nanotube diode can perform multiple functions that include acting as a diode and as two different types of transistors, and its ability to both emit and detect light should make it an ideal product for the solar industry.
"The discovery of a photovoltaic effect in our nanotube device could lead to exciting breakthroughs in solar cells that make them more efficient and a more viable alternative in the mainstream energy market," said Margaret Blohm, GE nanotechnology researcher.
"GE's success in developing the 'perfect' carbon nanotube device has not only ushered in a new era in electronics, it has potentially opened new doors in solar energy research."
Although about 1000 times smaller than the wavelength of light, the carbon nanotube diodes demonstrated significant power conversion efficiency due to their design, further enhancing their utility for the solar industry.