The Suncone technology was invented by Dr Melvin Prueitt of the US Los Alamos National Laboratory and is touted by its makers Hytec as a cheaper alternative to solar parabolic trough collectors, with greater efficiency and higher ambient operating temperatures.
Using an inverted cone of aluminised plastics to concentrate sunlight, Suncone must be pointed towards the sun like a parabolic design but requires less tracking precision. The structure of the technology means the cones themselves remain relatively cool thanks to the manner in which they are suspended.
As well as the direct benefits to solar energy collection, Suncone can be attached to the Kinetic Pump (another new invention from the makers of Suncone) for seawater desalinisation without the need for fossil fuel energy.
“If the next stage of development is successful, we are confident we can commercialise solar systems that will provide cost-competitive electricity to industrial parks, remote villages and even urban power grids,” said Barnabus senior advisor David Saltman.