Platinum-free catalysts commercial by late 2005

ITALIAN fuel cell producer Acta has said low-cost platinum-free fuel cell catalysts running on et...

The catalysts, discovered during research into removing heavy metals from tannery waste, use iron, cobalt and nickel, supported by a polymer base.

They have several advantages over standard platinum catalysts – they require fewer materials to construct, are effective at room temperature and can use a wide variety of fuels. In addition, the anode catalyst is not poisoned by carbon monoxide.

Self-breathing ethanol fuel cells using the Acta Hypermec catalysts have shown an electrical efficiency of 42-45% at 22C and a power density of 65mW/cm2 at a 200-600mV voltage, with a maximum power output of 142mW/cm2 within four minutes of start-up, the company claimed.

“Twenty-five per cent customers want to reduce the amount of platinum, and 25% want to try platinum-free catalysts with existing ethanol cells,” said Acta spokesman Paolo Bert.

“However, 50%, mainly those who are lagging a little bit behind in fuel cells, are interested in platinum-free, ethanol technology.”

Acta said the Hypermec catalysts have been raising interest among Asian OEMs. A distribution deal has been announced with Japanese industry giant Sumitomo.


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