Shareholder movements

KEENIHAN, Dimsey, Alto; Bow, Oilex, Prefontaine into Bow; Eller, Energy World; GasNet delists; Di...

ALTO ENERGY: Stephen Keenihan, who has appointed as a director on November 13, holds a direct interest in 200,000 ordinary shares. Andrew Dimsey, who resigned as a director on November 13, retains a direct interest in 1,500,000 unlisted options expiring December 31, 2008, exercisable at $0.20.

BOW ENERGY: Bow Energy Ltd became a substantial holder on November 6, with a holding of 13,300,.000 shares, representing a voting power of 14.1% (Bow Energy Ltd and Oilex Ltd have entered a voluntary restriction deed in respect of 13,300,000 ordinary shares in Bow Energy Ltd held by Oilex Ltd).

Ron Prefontaine acquired 10,000 ordinary shares and 60,000 ordinary shares for $12,300 in on market trade on November 13, taking his total holding, direct and indirect, to 5,347,606 ordinary shares and 428,566 options exercisable at $0.20 and expiring on March 31, 2008.

ENERGY WORLD CORPORATION: Richard Eller, who resigned as a director on November 18, retains a direct interest in 200, 000 ordinary shares

GASNET AUSTRALIA: GasNet will be removed from the official list of Australian Stock Exchange Limited from the close of trading on November 17, following receipt of the compulsory acquisition notice from Australian Pipeline Limited in its capacity as responsible entity of Australian Pipeline Trust and APT Investment Trust, in accordance with listing rule 17.14.

GLOBAL PETROLEUM: Peter Dighton acquired 50,000 ordinary fully paid shares via exercise of options, on market, on November 8, taking his total holding, directly held, to 200,000 options and 50,000 ordinary fully paid shares. In a further on market trade on November 14, Dighton disposed of 50,000 ordinary fully paid shares at A$0.80.4c average per share, following which he now holds, directly, a total of 200,000 options. Peter Blakey disposed of 1,500,000 ordinary shares at A0.80 cents per share in on market trade on November 10, taking his total holding, held directly, to 31,123,771 ordinary shares. Peter Taylor disposed of 1,500,000 ordinary shares at A0.80 cents per share in on market trade on November 10. Following this transaction, he now holds, directly, 31,123,771 ordinary shares.

K2 ENERGY: Edward Meadows Pty Limited became a substantial shareholder on August 29, 2005, with a voting power of 21.5%. Bruce Moore, who was appointed as a director on August 29, 2005, holds an indirect interest (through Edwards Meadows Pty Ltd) in 18,500,000 ordinary shares and 18,500,000 options. Peter Moore, who was appointed as a director on August 29, 2005, holds an indirect interest (through Edwards Meadows Pty Ltd) in 18,500,000 ordinary shares and 18,500,000 options.

Michael Reed, who was appointed as a director on October 18, 2005, holds an indirect interest in 3,000,000 ordinary shares and 3,000,000 options. Sam Gazal, who was appointed as a director on August 29, 2005, holds an indirect interest in 2,950,000 ordinary shares, 2,100,000 options, 300,000 ordinary shares and 150,000 options. Robert Gaunt, who was appointed as a director on October 18, 2005, holds an indirect interest in 4,250,000 ordinary shares and 2,375,000 options.

METHANOL AUSTRALIA: On November 10, Andrew Rigg, Warwick Bisley, Christopher Hart, Walter Dewe and James Willis were each granted, for nil consideration, 1,000,000 options expiring on November 30, 2009. Following this grant, Rigg now holds directly 681,220 shares, 46,250 options expiring April 30, 2007 and 1,000,000 options expiring November 30, 2009. Bisley now holds, directly, 1,321,742 shares, 180,048 options expiring April 30, 2007 and 1,000,000 options expiring November 30, 2009. Hart now holds, directly, 8,870,466 shares, 698,481 options expiring April 30, 2007 and 1,000,000 options expiring November 30, 2009. Dewe now holds 1,484,177 shares, 296,835 options expiring April 30, 2007 and 1,000,000 options expiring November 30, 2009. Willis now holds, directly, 2,836,119 shares, 260,000 options expiring April 30, 2007 and 1,000,000 options expiring November 30, 2009.

ORHARD PETROLEUM: UBS Nominees and its related bodies corporate became a substantial shareholder on November 9, with a voting power of 5.07%. On November 10, UBS increased its substantial shareholding to 6.15% and on November 15, further increased it to 7.21%.


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