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Located 216 metres from Gocerler-1 and 423 metres south of Gocerler-2 the well is in Petroleum Exploration Licence AR/AOI/3589, which forms part of Area “A” of the Thrace Joint Venture and is located approximately 120 kilometres west of Istanbul in Turkey’s onshore Thrace Basin.
Amity has also encountered what it says are very encouraging gas shows over the target interval within the Osmancik channel of its Adatepe-4 well between 1556 metres to 1570 metres. The Adatepe-4 well is located approximately 6 kilometres southeast of the Gocerler Gas Field.
The well is testing the prospectivity of a possible gas filled channel at the “near top” Osmancik Formation, underlying the productive Danismen Formation that both Gocerler and Adatepe produce from. The prospect is defined by strong seismic amplitudes at the Osmancik level as evident on the Gocerler 2002 3D seismic data.
Seismic amplitudes have been successful in identifying gas saturated Sandstones in the overlying Danismen Formations at Adatepe and Gocerler. The seismically identified Osmancik channel extends beyond mapped structural closure at the Osmancik level to the southwest.
Adatepe-4 will be drilled to 1700 metres into the shales of Osmancik Formation and will penetrate some 117 metres of Osmancik Formation. The well is interpreted to be 50 metres down dip to Adatepe 1 at the top Osmancik horizon.
Amity is in a 50/50 joint venture in both the Gocerler and Adatepe fields with Turkish company Türkiye Petrolleri A.O.