Marine construction company J.Ray McDermott fabricated and installed the two 10,000 metric tonnes, eight-leg jackets, and the installation barge 'DB30' was now returning to base in Batam.
The fabrication of the DPP jacket (drilling, production & processing platform) and the CUQ jacket (compression, utilities & quarters platform), which took nearly 17 months to complete was carried out at the McDermott's Batam Island fabrication yard in Indonesia.
The jackets were loaded out from Batam in mid-May and transported nearly 3,000km to the installation site on the company's launch barge Intermac 650, which was mobilized from the Gulf of Mexico especially for the job.
"Bayu-Undan was a unique project for us," said McDermott's vice president and general manager Eastern Hemisphere, Kurt Nelson.
"We have successfully executed a construction and installation project that had a number of technical 'firsts' for both ourselves and the industry."
The entire offshore operation was managed by McDermott Industries Australia (MIA) a subsidiary of J. Ray McDermott, S.A. in collaboration with design teams based in Dubai and New Orleans. The team spent two years planning and preparing for the work