Former chairman Lloyd Taylor announced the appointment of Zealand on Friday, saying the STOS general manager would continue to reinforce Shell New Zealand's pursuit of a business path and approach, consistent with its sustainable development principles and in conformance with its globally acknowledged statement of general business principles.
This would ensure Shell NZ remained "a good corporate citizen".
The role of Shell NZ chairman would be in addition to Zealand's role as STOS general manager, as it was with Taylor who was also Shell NZ EP managing director.
"In order to ensure there is no conflict of interest with his position as general manager of STOS, the accountability for Shell's upstream business will remain in Shell (Petroleum Mining) Ltd," Taylor said.
Zealand, a Shell veteran of 22 years, held a number of senior Shell positions in oil refining, supply operations, strategy, LNG and EP and has worked at various locations in Europe and Australia before coming to New Zealand last March to head STOS. He will remain based in New Plymouth, the STOS headquarters.