Chevron has been awarded WA-95-R, WA-96-R, WA-97-R, and WA-98-R.
The blocks sit adjacent Woodside Energy's Scarborough block WA-61-L in title WA-1-R; which is a block of some and comprises key acreage for Woodside's Scarborough project.
WA-98-R straddles the northern border of an exploration block owned by a Perth-based subsidiary of the Kuwait Foreign Petroleum Exploration Company (KUFPEC).
In chronological order, the leases cover the following fields: Arnhem, Kentish Knock South, Lympstone, and, Royal Oak.
WA-95-R is on title WA-364 P, while WA-96-R and WA-97-R both sit on title WA-365-P.
WA-98-R, meanwhile, sits in title WA-367-P.
Collectively, the four leases cover an area of All four of the fields are oilfields, and all are northwest off the Western Australian coast some 250 kilometres north of Exmouth within a relatively proximate distance to the other.
WA-96-R also sits relatively nearby an exploration permit jointly held by Woodside and BHP, WA-62-L.
All leases are for five year terms, expiring 18 November 2026. There is no requirement for a well to be developed in any of the leases.