The Panel has been established with experts to assist in developing a Quarantine Management System (QMS) that will build on the existing quarantine system to protect Barrow Island.
The Quarantine Expert Panel will be independently chaired by Bernard Bowen, former chairman of the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) of Western Australia. Dr Bowen spent more than eight years with the EPA.
Composition of the panel is based on the expert advice each participant can provide. Panel participants have been sourced from the Commonwealth Department of Environment and Heritage, Australian Antarctic Division, WA Museum, WA Dept of Agriculture and the relevant Western Australian Government Agencies. A number of individual consultants recognised for their expertise have also agreed to participate, including Professor Malcolm Nairn, who chaired a review of quarantine for the Federal Government.
The General Manager - Gorgon Area Gas, Paul Oen, said the EPA had recommended a number of measures to ensure the protection of the island's conservation values that were consistent with the Gorgon Venture's view that effective quarantine management is the key to the continued protection of Barrow Island.
"The industry's record over the 40 years of oil production on the island gives us confidence we can manage the issues for the Gorgon development, and quarantine management will provide a strong foundation in our efforts."
Oen said the Gorgon Venture would expand and enhance existing quarantine management procedures in order to control any increase in quarantine risk associated with the development.
"We will progress beyond the quarantine program that currently exists", said Oen, "even though the existing quarantine program has set the benchmark for offshore island petroleum operations in Australia and overseas."
The members of the Expert Panel have substantial knowledge and experience in quarantine management and will provide high level advice and direction to the Gorgon Joint Venture and contribute to the development of the Quarantine Management System.
Earlier this year, the State Government granted in-principle approval for the restricted use of Barrow Island for a foundation development for Gorgon gas.
Barrow Island is an A Class Nature Reserve and home to one of Australia's most successful oilfield operations. The island remains essentially free from introduced species and is an important refuge for wildlife.