In its quarterly report, the company said Stage 2 of the development produced 893,698 gigajoules – 4.6% lower than the previous quarter – after output was halted while a second compressor was installed at the Rosalind Park Gas Plant in Campbelltown.
This drop was slightly offset by a 3% increase in Stage 1 production to 209,563GJ, according to Sydney Gas, which holds 50% of the project in partnership with AGL Energy.
Other activities at Camden during the quarter included the completion and processing of a 2D seismic survey; reprocessing of existing 2D seismic; a proposal to drill two conventional gas exploration test wells in the Camden area by deepening two existing CSM wells; and the start of a corehole drilling program.
JV chases Hunter, Merriwa
Subject to environmental approval and rig availability, the JV expects to start a corehole drilling program at the Hunter project in the current quarter. This follows the partners securing a site for the first corehole.
Sydney Gas said community consultation continued regarding the program throughout the quarter as part of an ongoing management plan.
At Merriwa, the JV has finished inspecting the proposed exploration site and has started initial discussions with landholders and local government organisations, with a view to start field activities later in the current quarter.