SpectrumData wins ENI Australia seismic and well tape contract

SPECTRUMDATA has been awarded a one- year contract by ENI Australia for seismic and well tape dup...

The project consists of straightforward tape duplication as well as 2D and 3D subsetting, demultiplexing and various other format and media conversions from a wide range of media types, including 3590, 3480, DLT, LTO and 9 track tape, according to SpectrumData CEO Guy Holmes.

“This contract is another showing of our strength in the market place and our commitment to the petroleum sector,” Holmes said.

Earlier this year, SpectrumData was awarded a three- year multimillion dollar contract with Geoscience Australia, to remaster their vast and valuable collection of petroleum exploration and geoscientific data onto high-density 3590 cartridges. This contract was the largest of its kind ever awarded in Australia., Holmes said


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