This follows the expiry of the contract of the Government's independent gas regulator, Dr Ken Michael, in June. The Government has foreshadowed that the position of gas regulator will be subsumed in 2003 by an independent economic regulation authority - responsible for the electricity, gas, water and rail industries.
WA Energy Minister Eric Ripper said Dr Farrant would be replaced as Acting Co-ordinator of Energy by senior Treasury official Anne Nolan.
Mr Ripper said the move was in preparation for a new phase in the reform of the State's electricity industry.
The electricity reform task force, set up by the Government last year, is expected to report on energy reform proposals by the end of September.
Mr Ripper said Dr Farrant, who was first appointed Co-ordinator of Energy in 1995, had rendered exceptional service to Western Australia in the energy area.
"Most recently this has included establishment of the Sustainable Energy Development Office within the Office of Energy and participation in all phases of the Electricity Reform Taskforce which is an important priority of the Government," he said.