The new Wardie prospect, will be drilled early next year as part of 3D Oil’s, multi-well offshore Gippsland exploration program, the first stage of the development of the West Seahorse field.
Wardie, 1 kilometre southwest of West Seahorse, was revealed by 3D Oil’s ongoing technical evaluation, including detailed mapping, depth conversion and reservoir analysis, of the Vic-P57 permit.
“The prospect will now be drilled ahead of the Sea Lion prospect due to the lower perceived risk and proximity to West Seahorse,” 3D said this morning.
“In the event of a discovery at the Wardie, the field could be developed utilising the West Seahorse facilities.”
Estimates of the possible resource within the Wardie prospect are still being prepared.
The company is undertaking well planning in conjunction with Australian Drilling Associates and considering its drilling options. One option includes drilling both West Seahorse-3 and Wardie-1, as deviated wells, from the one location.
3D Oil was recently granted a further six-month suspension by the Joint Authority in relation to the Year 3 work program on the grounds of force majeure in delays in the arrival of the contracted drilling unit the West Triton originally arriving in 2006.