Work bids close in March for the five blocks (LO5-5, L05-6, L05-7, L05-8) in the unexplored northern Canning Basin and one block (LO5-9) in the Officer Basin.
“The Canning Basin’s five release areas have proven source rock potential and favourable reservoir development,” said DoIR’s director of petroleum and royalties Bill Tinapple.
Unsealed roads accessed the release areas, with the southwards Great Northern Highway providing connection to the port of Broome, he said.
L05-6 comprising 4354 square kilometres is located within the Fitzroy Trough, while L05-5 (3048km2) extends from the northern Fitzroy Trough into the southern Pender Terrace.
Release areas L05-7 (2782 km2) and L05-8 (2451 km2) are on the Lennard Shelf adjacent to the north-eastern margin of the basin.
Release area L05-9 (17,591km2) is in the northern Officer Basin margin adjacent to the South Australian border.
Tinapple said several oil and gas shows were found in the Officer Basin, including a gas show at Vines 1 in release area L05-9. Favourable reservoir, seal and source rock associations were also present in the basin, he claimed.
A CD package - including prospectivity reports prepared by DoIR - accompanies the acreage release and contains available data listings, land access and how to make a valid application for an exploration permit.
Work program bids the release areas close at 4pm on Thursday 16 March 2006. Further information can be obtained from DoIR’s petroleum and royalties division or the geological survey of Western Australia on 9222 3333 or