ATP 539P is a large block in far western Queensland lying on the north-western margin of the Cooper Basin. Enterprise said the block is ideally located to capture hydrocarbons migrating out of the Cooper Basin sediments.
It is offering up to 30% of this licence area by contributing 60% of the cost of one well and reimbursing the proportionate cost of the recently completed Planet Downs Seismic Survey.
The Farmin Seminar will be held on Sunday 10 April in Meeting Room's 2 & 3 at the Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre, Perth, Western Australia – the morning of the icebreaker function of the 2005 APPEA conference, held in the same venue.
Company representatives will review the technical and commercial aspects of their opportunities via short audio visual presentations. The seminar registration fees include a copy of the PESA 2005 Farmin Seminar Report CD (containing details of all proposals presented), morning coffee and an excellent lunch including drinks.
If you wish to make a presentation, you can contact Wolfgang Fischer for details or register on-line ( by no later than Thursday 24 March 2005. If you wish to ATTEND but not present, please register by Thursday 7 April 2005.
Further details are available from: PESA 2005 Farmin Seminar Convenor, C/- PetroVentures, PO Box R746, Royal Exchange, NSW 1225 Australia. Ph. (+612) 9247 9888 Fax (+612) 9252 1083.
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