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Located in TL/1, 2.2km south of Varanus Island the well has drilled to a depth of 1,584m measured depth and will continue to drill ahead to the planned total depth of around 2,000m.
The well is being drilled from the Simpson Bravo platform, as a sidetrack from South Simpson-1, to intersect a mapped southeasterly extension of the Simpson Oil Field.
South Simpson-1 intersected an 8m gross, 6m net (vertical thickness) oil column in the Flag Sandstone. The oil water contact is similar to that seen in Simpson-1 which has led operator Apache Energy to believe the find is an extension of the original discovery.
South Simpson-2 is expected to take 2 days to reach its prognosed total depth and if successful the well will be immediately brought onto production.
Harriet Joint Venture Participants are Tap Oil 12.2229%, Apache Energy Limited (operator) 68.5% and Kufpec Australia Pty Ltd 19.2771%.