Arrow plans to drill one 1-550m core hole, Kogan North in ATP 676P, in early April. Arrow said an aggregate coal seam package of 18m is believed to be located between a depth of 110-550m.
Arrrow will also drill three 400-550m core holes in ATP 683P, namely Tipton West-1, River Road-2 and Carnbrea-1. Seismic data collected by Arrow in 2001 indicates coal packages are expected to be located between a depth of 150-550m.
One 450m core hole is to be drilled in ATP 689P. In a new CBM play for Arrow Energy, Styx Basin in ATP 700P, one 500m core hole is planned to be drilled. The drilling of Styx-1 will be conditional on the granting of the permit later in this current quarter, Arrow said.
The company added all locations were selected due to their to proximity to potential markets and infrastructure.