Origin, Mosaic spud Surat wildcat

SURAT Basin partners Origin Energy and Mosaic Oil have started drilling the Riverslea Southeast-1...

Spudded by Origin as operator yesterday afternoon, the well is targeting 172,000 barrels of oil at the P10 level of confidence in the Boxvale Sandstone.

The prospect is 1.4km southeast of the Riverslea oil field, which has produced more than 530,000 barrels of oil from this formation.

Last week, Origin drilled a successful appraisal well at the Emu Apple oil field, which is about 20km northwest of the Riverslea oil field.

Drilling of Riverslea Southeast-1 is expected to take 10 days to reach a total depth of 1625m.

Mosaic said it has a 10% interest in PL 30 and 11.8% interest in the Riverslea SE-1 well.


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