Latest Amber well records 14m of gas pay: Samson

SAMSON Oil & Gas says exceptional gas pay has been encountered at its Turner 5-14 well in the Amb...

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With logging operations now complete, the company said a net gas pay of 46 feet (14m) was recorded over the interval 10,504 to 10,550 feet (3201m-3215m) in the Red Fork Sandstone.

Prior to intersecting this objective, the well experienced a loss of circulation indicating significant permeability, the company said.

“The excellent log characters indicate that this interval is gas-saturated and porous,” Samson said in a report to the ASX today.

The well, which reached a total depth of 10,725 feet, will now be completed and fracture stimulated.

Samson’s US subsidiary Kestrel, holds 37.5% and 32.5% equity in two sections within in Amber Field, which is located in the Anadarko Basin in Oklahoma.

The field has been on production for several decades and is currently undergoing an infill development program.

Samson said the three previous wells, drilled in Kestrel’s sections last year, have shown that modern fracture stimulation technique and chemicals have improved drainage of the field.


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