Muthero-3 was drilled to a total depth of 1430 metres.
Operator Santos is now preparing to rig up for drill stem test 3 over the basal Birkhead Formation interval at a depth of 1351-1357 metres.
During DST 2, Muthero-3 flowed 1030 barrels of oil per day through a ½ inch choke at 25psi over the upper Birkhead interval 1316-1327 metres. DST1 run over the same interval was a mis-run due to mechanical failure, Magellan said.
Muthero-3 is the second well in the current three well drilling program in the Nockatunga area. Following casing and suspension, the Ensign 20 rig will move to the Currambar-1 exploration well location in the adjacent exploration permit ATP 267P.
Last Friday, the JV announced it would case and suspend the Winna-4 appraisal well, also in PL 51, as a future producer from the Murta Member.
Participants in Winna-4 and Mutharo-3 are Santos Group (operator - 59.064%) and Magellan Petroleum (Eastern) Pty Ltd (40.936%).