This well is targeting potential reserves of 27.5 million barrels of oil n the Namur and Hutton Sandstones both of which are Jurassic in age.
In addition to the Namur and Hutton Sandstones, reservoirs are also being targetted within the Adori, Birkhead, Basal Jurassic and Triassic intervals. All of these units produce oil in other areas of the Cooper Basin.
Both the Inland Field located to the north and the Cook Field lying to the south produce oil from the Hutton Sandstone.
Enterprise said other wells drilled near the Nulla Nulla-1 location have intersected good oil shows also within the Hutton Sandstone and other reservoirs.
Nulla Nulla-1 is programmed to a total depth (TD) of 2420 metres and will take approximately 24 days to drill. The primary objective, the Hutton Sandstone is expected at about 1820 metres.
After drilling the interests will be Enterprise Energy will (41.66%), Icon Energy (33.33%) and Great Artesian Oil and Gas (25%).