The test was run between 2007.5 and 2016 metres and no oil or gas was produced during the test over the lower part of the possible oil bearing zone in the Qishn S2 Sandstone.
A second production test in the Qishn S2 Sandstone will be conducted over the shallower interval 2000.5 to 2005.5 metres.
The Neheb-1 well is the first of two additional exploration wells the Block 43 Joint Venture agreed to drill following the oil discovery at Nabrajah-1 in March 2004. The well is 17 kilometres from the Nabrajah-1 location and is testing a four-way dip closed structure in the hanging wall immediately south of the Nabrajah fault block.
The participants in this well are DNO ASA 50% (operator), Oil Search (Yemen) 25%, First Calgary Petroleum 10% and The Yemen Company 15%.