Company chief executive Dave Bennett said from Wellington today that the deviated well, in onshore Taranaki licence PEP 38736, had hit the top of the targeted Tariki sands at 2817m along hole and then gone through some good quality sands before encountering some poorer quality at around the 2920m depth.
"If this well comes in on prognosis then we expect to again hit some good quality sands this weekend, deeper down, reach target depth of about 3000 metres and then log the well," Bennett said.
Indo-Pacific sidetracked the Kahili-1A sidetrack well earlier this week after going through the eastern side of the Tariki thrustbelt. Indo-Pacific and partners Tap Oil and Claire Petroleum determined that the Kahili-1A wellbore had gone too far east, so the well was plugged back to the base of the Tikorangi limestones, at a depth of about 2460m. The Kahili-1B sidetrack well was then deviated some 150m westward.
Earlier this year the Kahili-1 well encountered a 58.5 metre gross oil column (44 metres net reservoir) in the Tariki Sandstone. A four-hour drill stem test recovered a small amount of oil. Tap Oil estimates potential recoverable volumes at Kahili could be of around 14 mmbbls of oil and 18 bcf of gas.