Located in TL/2, 22km north-northeast of Airlie Island the well follows the P&A of the dry Hyssop-1 and Taunton-3 appraisal well and has the potential to contain 20mmbbls of recoverable oil.
Current operations comprise the running of logs and the recording of formation pressures and the acquisition of fluid samples to establish the nature and significance of the hydrocarbon shows.
Participants in the TL/2 permit are Tap (Shelfal) 10%, Apache Oil Australia 51.834%, Pan Pacific Petroleum (SA) 23.166% and Santos (BOL) 15%. Santos has elected not to participate in the well.
Participants in the Mosman-1 well are Tap (Shelfal) 12.4258%, Apache Oil Australia (operator) 64.4082% and Pan Pacific Petroleum (SA) 23.1660%.