OPINION: 310 of 312


Slugcatcher: Is BHP playing the LNG game?

If Japan and China are keen to buy more liquefied natural gas from Australia, and the U.S. is knocking

14 September 2004


Slugcatcher: Tales from the crypt (Pt 2)

With pre-emptive apologies, Slugcatcher proposes just a few moments of gloating. Two weeks ago it was

08 September 2004


Slugcatcher: Watching a pipeline going around in a circle.

The imminent sale of the Dampier to Bunbury natural gas pipeline in WA for a reported $1.86 billion draws

01 September 2004


Slugcatcher: Tales from the crypt

Sifting the wheat from the chaff is an old agricultural saying that few petroleum types think much about.

26 August 2004


Slugcatcher off the mark: NZ explorer

No radical change is needed in western oil policies regarding hydrocarbon reserves, says leading Kiwi

23 August 2004


Slugcatcher: Does George Dubya have the pins to prick the pricing bubble?

Heres a curious thought: the world has never run out of minerals. Fascinating isnt it, and strangely

19 August 2004


Slugcatcher: Shame on the LA Times

Golden bandicoots, burrowing bettongs, and the fat-tailed marsupial mouse are not a conventional topic

12 August 2004


Slugcatcher: East Timor's royalties have started already - for the advisors

Is Slugcatcher missing the point or is there something awfully sad, not to mention there being a sense

05 August 2004


Measure. Monitor. Manage. Mitigate.

Qteq has recently announced the launch of a new flagship Qanti-Fi fugitive emissions

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