Exploration: 1251 of 1259


AWE plans come together - Part 2

AWE and its joint venture partners recently had success with the Beharra Springs North 1 exploration

16 January 2002


North American explorers plan big spending cuts for 2002

North American energy exploration companies are planning major cuts to drilling programs over the year

16 January 2002


Beach gains ownership Qld oil fields, begins Otway Basin drilling

Beach Petroleum NL is now in full ownership of the Bodalla Block after agreeing to buy Santos' remaining

16 January 2002


Novus in gas find at Padre Island, offshore Texas

While Apache Corp has been scoring big with oil and gas discoveries from Novus' former Egyptian assets,

10 January 2002


BP awards big Caspian Sea seismic contract

Oil giant BP has awarded Caspian Geophysical a marine seismic services contract for the Azerbaijan sector

10 January 2002


Perth Basin success sparks more interest

It seems the success of Hovea and Cliff Head has sparked explorer interest in the Perth Basin despite

10 January 2002


Unocal set to increase production offshore Thailand

Unocal Corp is making plans to double crude oil production from its fields in the Gulf of Thailand. The

10 January 2002


Apache scores big in Egypt, Shell slates $US7.5 bn for Nigeria

It is just as well Sydney-based Novus Petroleum is embarking on a busy drilling program this year.

10 January 2002


Measure. Monitor. Manage. Mitigate.

Qteq has recently announced the launch of a new flagship Qanti-Fi fugitive emissions

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A growing series of reports, each focused on a key discussion point for the energy sector, brought to you by the Energy News Bulletin Intelligence team.


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