LNG18: 4 of 5


Australia needs to lift its game: Chevron

THE world will need one new Gorgon-sized development each year for the next 20 years, so oilers need

13 April 2016


Carbon price war plays out at LNG18

THE split between Europe and North America's biggest oilers played out, politely, on the stage at LNG

13 April 2016


LNG pushes through darkness

THE world's biggest LNG-related industry groups have admitted they face an uphill battle getting their

12 April 2016


Turnbull turns on unions

PRIME Minister Malcolm Turnbull could not resist having a crack at unions on the eve of LNG18 in Perth

12 April 2016


Prelude image sharpens

GE OIL & Gas has started production of the critical flexible risers that are destined for use at the

12 April 2016


The biggest loser at LNG18

IT WOULD be going too far for Slugcatcher to say that the LNG18 conference which kicks off in Perth tomorrow

11 April 2016


Oil's well, eventually

THE oil price will be sitting at $US50 per barrel this time next year, according to two out of four forecasters.

07 April 2016


LNG a victim of own success: S&P boss

LNG producers with exposure to the oil price are likely to continue to face headwinds for some years

05 April 2016


Measure. Monitor. Manage. Mitigate.

Qteq has recently announced the launch of a new flagship Qanti-Fi fugitive emissions

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