ABG has fixed the price of its “Advanced B100” biodiesel at 119.45 cents per litre until March 3 2006, a significant discount to today’s average TGP for petroleum diesel in Sydney. The TGP price for diesel in Sydney is currently 127.21c per litre, according to the Australasian Institute of Petroleum.
After March 3, ABG said it would begin daily pricing of its biodiesel, aiming to keep the cost at least 5c cheaper than the TGP price for regular diesel.
“With the biodiesel market still in its infancy, we need to make it as simple as possible for large volume users of diesel to access the cost and environmental benefits that using biodiesel offers,” said ABG chief executive Len Humphreys.
ABG said retail sales of biodiesel blends had begun in metropolitan Sydney at the Rally Service Centre in Marrickville, with B50 and B20 blends available.
The nearby Leichhardt Council has announced it will trial biodiesel in its trucks, while the Marrickville Council is also considering a trial.
ABG expects to announce additional TGP bulk distribution sites in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane in coming weeks, offering both pure (B100) and blended biodiesel.