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In Texas, logs and show data indicate the Renger Sassin A-1 gas wildcat well has encountered gas columns in the two secondary objectives penetrated to date, the company said.
These indications suggest the well, which is currently at a depth of 9700 feet (2956m), has intersected 24ft of shaly net pay in the Middle Wilcox at 7000ft, and a further 16ft of possible net pay in the Upper Midcox at 9650ft.
Also at Halletsville South, a second rig has become available and is due to move on to the Gerdes A-1 development well location for spudding later this week.
Amadeus holds a 25% interest in the Halletsville South project, with Texan-headquartered Trio Consulting & Management acting as operator.
Meanwhile, the company continues to report good results at its White Eagle project, with polymer treatments undertaken on a total of nine wells.
These treatments have boosted daily oil production from the nine wells from 21 barrels of oil and 35,000bbl of water to 400bbl of oil and 900bbl of water.
“In all cases the results have been successful, resulting in increased oil and lower water production, which reduce operating costs and substantially increase revenue for the field,” the company said.
The nine treated wells are Carmichael B-3, Carmichael C-10, Huck A-1, Holmes-1, Stein-9, Husted-12, Thompson-4, Husted-11 and Carmichael C-5.